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Signatures allow you to sign some text, a link or any information on behalf of your organization. The snippet is hashed with salt multiple times and signed with the organization's private key. A signature link is then generated which you can share or post online for others to view.

Signature flow

Signature flow

Creating a signature

1. In your organization's dashboard, click on the Signatures button

Signature create

2. Sart typing or pasting what you want to sign

You can add an optional expiration duration to the signature, it must be between 30 seconds and 3 months.

Signature create

Once you click Sign the plaintext is hashed multiple times with session scoped salt before being sent to our servers.

Signature modal

  • The Prefill link checkbox lets you add a query string to the URL that is picked up when the signature link is opened, automatically filling the signatue body (plaintext) and submitting. This removes the privacy of what is signed but speeds up the signature verification process as there is no action expected from the receiver.

Signature modal

4. History

Everytime you create a signature, a history record about it is saved to allow some traceabilty, even if it is expired or deleted.


The signature body (plaintext) is never persisted or sent to our servers, only metadata as seen in the columns below.

Mutual authentication history

5. What the end user sees

Below the organization profile, the signature interface looks like this:

Empty signature

Signature client side empty

Filled signature

Signature client manually filled

Valid signature


If the shared link is prefilled, this is immediately displayed.

Signature client is valid

Invalid signature

The digest of the plaintext does not match what is expected for the given session id or the session has expired:

Signature client is invalid